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Final studio session...?

We spent 9 hours in the studio on Friday (3rd June) getting the last two tracks down for the album.  As always it was a mixture of frustrating delay and rapid progress - all rolled into one! 

San Jose, our tribute to the Chilean miners trapped underground for 69 days, seemed to take almost as long to get done!  But the perseverance paid off in the end, we reckon.  On the other hand, My Heart Is Ashore, was done relatively quickly.  That's just the way it goes!

We've uploaded the words to both so you can get an idea of them - just look on the right of this page and click the song you want. 

San Jose is a very emotional song, packed full of pathos, so the printed word doesn't get near it, really.  My Heart Is Ashore, on the other hand, is a simple love song - very sing-along-able!  Anyway, you'll be ready to sing along when the CD comes out... 

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