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BC hit the studio...

After a couple of years of getting our act together, enjoying ourselves and playing at various places, the fun has now really begun: we've started recording!  We're two days into the project and hope to have the debut album hot off the press around Easter time - all being well.

We've enlisted the services of Lawson Dando at Albany Studios and things are really starting to come together.  We've all but completed The Quay, All Is Well, Mallt-y-Nos and The Feeling Thief; so that's roughly four down and four to go. 

That said, the creative juices have been flowing in the meantime too and we reckon there may be a couple more songs to add to the list before we're done.  The latest completed work is a Welsh ballad - The Devil and the Cobbler - which may not even get played in public before we record it! 

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Cheers, BC

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