BC play at Newport Folk Club...

After a good stretch of time being confined to the studio, we were eager to get out and play live again. We heard about the Newport Folk Club and so we google-stalked it - it sounded good, especially the constitution (!), so we went over last Thursday (5th May). And what a lovely evening we had!
The venue, Newport Fugitives Athletic Club, is easy to find just off junction 27 of the M4, and is a really good place for a folk club - cosy, warm, big car park, well stocked bar and a very tight acoustic quality to the room. The people running the club, and the regular punters, were really welcoming - this is particularly nice when you walk in "off the street" as first time visitors.
We played five songs in total, two of which were new - Mallt-y-Nos (only played once before live - at Rumney Folk Club) and The Banks of Newfoundland.
It was great to hear others play too: Lawrence, Jan & Ian, Greg, Trevor, Cris and others (sorry, can't remember everyone's names!). The standard was very good indeed! We'd like to thank everyone involved for having us - for the warm welcome and the encouragement - and we look forward to visiting again soon.
Cheers, BC